(or Julia, as some of you may know me from my time running SmartCruiseTours.com.)
Before returning to Italy for family reasons, I worked as a high-tech software engineer and manager for a Fortune 500 company. That background, combined with my passion for travel, eventually led me to create SmartCruiseTours.com, the first online booking platform dedicated to cruise excursions.
As I mentioned, in 2010, I moved back to my hometown, the port of Rome, and quickly realized how many fellow Americans needed help navigating their shore excursions. To bridge the gap, I founded Able Worldwide LLC and launched SmartCruiseTours.com, helping thousands of travelers experience Italy with ease. Many of those travelers became dear friends, and their trust in my expertise has always been my greatest reward.
After years of running SmartCruiseTours.com, I eventually returned to the U.S., and when COVID hit, I decided to step back and enjoy a well-earned retirement. But my passion for travel never faded, and neither did the friendships I built along the way. Travelers continue to seek my guidance, and now, with limited availability, I dedicate my time to Smart Custom Tours, creating tailored, high-quality travel experiences.
I specialize in personalized concierge services, focusing on Italy and the Mediterranean. While I now take on only a select number of clients each year, I still find joy in helping travelers experience the magic of Italy.
Because my availability is limited, I encourage you to get in touch early so I can provide you with the best possible service.
Ciao! Love every moment of your life.

BRANDS of Able World Wide LLC
SmartCustomTours.com – This site, formerly SmartCruiseTours.com, offering tailor-made private tours, shore excursions and retreats.
AbleWW.com – Our client portal with custom packages.
LaDivinaTours.com – A new brand dedicated to women-only group tours.
Smart Custom Tours is a premier brand of
ABLE World Wide LLC
EIN 81-4950623
30 N Gould St, Ste R
Sheridan , WY 82801
Cell and WhatsApp number upon request